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Making an MFM video
If the -p
command line switch is given, the mfm simulator will generate .PNG screenshots, one per epoch, written to the vid/
subdirectory of the main simulation directory (which is usually something like /tmp/DATEBASEDNUMBERS
, but can be changed with the -d
command line switch).
Here is how I compile such a set of .PNGs into an HD video. Your mileage may vary; the script discussed on this page is not an official part of the mfm distribution; it is provided only as a sample or starting point; if it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces.
MakeMFMMovie: Script overview
The MakeMFMMovie expects to find the path to an MFM simulation directory on the command line, such as:
MakeMFMMovie /tmp/20140808134855
and, if all goes well, it writes out /tmp/20140808134855.mp4
In operation, MakeMFMMove does basically two things:
- Creates sequentially-numbered links to all the .PNGs in a 'vlinks/' subdirectory. This is needed because the simulation writes out PNGs named by the AEPS at the time of writing, which need not be (and usually aren't) strictly sequential.
- Runs ffmpeg (or now 'avconv') on those links to generate an H.264 video
See or download the full script at the bottom of this page.
Here's a three-minute example: bueoWfK7IKU
That video was made with aggressive acceleration and surge parameters (see next section) to reveal deep-time dynamics in a relatively short presentation.
Video-related command-line parameters
Given that the '-p' switch causes the simulator to generate a .PNG each epoch, the primary relevant command-line switches are those that affect the size of an epoch:
-e NUM
set the epoch length toNUM
AEPS.--accelerate NUM
the epoch length by one everyNUM
epochs. When this switch is used, the epoch length at the beginning of the simulation is the initial epoch length.--surge NUM
increment the acceleration everyNUM
epochs. When this switch is used, the acceleration at the beginning of the simulation is the initial acceleration.
Simulator command-line examples for making videos
mfms -p
– Save a screenshot every epoch, which defaults to 100 AEPSmfms -p -e 1
– Set the epoch length to 1 to save a screenshot every AEPS. SinceMakeMFMMovie
encodes video at 30 frames/second, this implies each second of the video will show 30 AEPS, so the video will display the simulation results at 30 AER (regardless of how fast or slow the simulation actually ran when the data was generated).mfms -p -e 0 --accelerate 30
– Set the epoch length to 0, but increment it every 30 epochs. (Since 0 epochs is considered a multiple of 30, the epoch length gets incremented to 1 immediately.) This causes the first second of video to run at 30 AER, the next second to run at 60 AER, and so on. After 5 seconds, for example, a total of $30+60+90+120+150 = 450$ AEPS will have passed in the simulation; after t seconds of video, $30t(t+1)/2$ AEPS will have passed. Videos made with a non-zero acceleration parameter are said to display in quadratic time.mfms -p -e 0 --accelerate 30 --surge 90
– Same as the previous case, except also increment the acceleration every 90 epochs. Videos made with a non-zero surge parameter are said to display in cubic time.
The full MakeMFMMovie script
- MakeMFMMovie
#!/bin/bash function die { echo "$1" echo "Usage: $0 TOPLEVELMFMDIRECTORY" exit 1 } function lookfor { for b in "$@"; do found=$(which "$b" 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$found" ]; then if [ -x "$found" ]; then echo "$found" return fi fi done } ffmpeg=$(lookfor avconv ffmpeg) if [ -z "$ffmpeg" ]; then die "Can't find ffmpeg or avconv. Perhaps 'sudo apt-get install libav-tools'?" else echo "Will use '$ffmpeg' for encoding" fi todir=`readlink -m "$1"` viddir=$todir/vid if [ ! -d $viddir ] ; then die "'$viddir' is not a directory." fi outfile="$todir.mp4" touch "$outfile" || die "Can't touch '$outfile'" if [ ! -w "$outfile" ] ; then die "Can't write '$outfile'" else rm -f "$outfile" fi linkdir=$todir/vlinks if [ -d "$linkdir" ] ; then echo "Deleting old '$linkdir'" rm -rf "$linkdir" || die "Can't delete '$linkdir'" fi mkdir -p "$linkdir" || die "Can't create directory '$linkdir'" echo -n "Creating sequential symlinks in '$linkdir'.." x=1 for i in $viddir/*.png; do counter=$(printf %06d $x) ln -s "$i" $linkdir/img"$counter".png x=$(($x+1)) done sync echo "done. $x symlinks created." echo echo "BEGINNING HD VIDEO GENERATION TO $outfile. THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE!" echo $ffmpeg -f image2 -r 30 -vf pad="1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2:0x0f0f0f" -i "$linkdir/img%06d.png" -vcodec libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p $outfile