I'm an undergraduate with the CS department. I hope to go into the entertainment industry working when I finish my undergrad. I have an awful lot of C# development experience.
I've been developing the MFM software since December 2013, so I may be able to answer any questions. Also, tell me if you encounter any bugs. You may download and build the software from source at my github.
My personal website is at http://lunagameserve.com , which at the moment is pretty bare.
My github is at http://github.com/sixstring982 , which has a few cool projects including PicFX (https://github.com/Sixstring982/PicFX).
* October 2, 2014
* October 6, 2014
* October 20, 2014
* November 3, 2014
* November 24, 2014
* December 8, 2014