I'm in the first (and likely only) year of my MS in CS. I'm interested in programming languages and models. I've worked the past three summers at LANL on an experimental Haskell compiler and will continue there after I finish at UNM.
[MFM-Handle:davidringo] -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGJAoGBALwuElikNVmADUuyYD6IVmHMfxGA55SYWQ1uiravntyai1SZLS90uP/v esJg+hNndpT3fwaFW8rXY61RDs0MSVguu/YjzxT0eY+w8NcByLWjE4Nl8hHiNpgu oQX5PXTaZPsRfG6Egde9pT8tHVqGPpr+Aaobp/74z8TBkZJmHDj/AgMBAAE= -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----