Table of Contents

From atoms to Pacman

Cooperation and interaction are the basis of all living things. The ability of two beings to communicate with one another is what allows them to evolve and form more complex structures. This is, as I see it, the basis of life.

 from atoms to pacman


Proposed Solutions:

Communication protocol:  communication protocol

For the first challenge, I have devised a very rudimentary (it will evolve over the time) protocol that allows the communication of different entities; in this protocol, the normal only-behave model is replaced by a recv-behave-send model, that takes messages sent from the other entities, it may or may not use this messages to perform its processing, and then sends messages telling other entities what happened. In order to implement this communication tier on the mfm architecture, there should be a consideration whether the implementation will be intrusive or non-intrusive, because this will change things abruptly in the future.

Quorum Polling:  Quorum polling

This is only a very rough draft on how to overcome the global information barrier. It is based on a voting system, where each one of the elements announces it's vote on certain matter, and then the decision is made based on the votes proposed. It is important to notice that there has to be a minimum amount of elements involved in the voting procedure in order to make it valid, which is where the Quorum denomination comes from.