{{ :dev:event-window-10.png?direct&300| }} ===== Quick links ===== * [[https://github.com/elenasa/ULAM/wiki|Programming language ulam wiki and reference manual]] * [[Introduction:Robust-first computing]] * [[Introduction:Indefinite scalability]] * [[Introduction:How can I install the MFM software?]] * Also see [[Dev:clone_from_github|Cloning from Github]] to live closer to the frontier * [[Introduction:Where can I get more information?]] * [[Introduction:MFM usage and tips]] * [[Introduction:Making an MFM video]] * [[Introduction:Contributions]] * [[f17:class_notes|Class notes]] * [[http://www.cs.unm.edu/~ackley/591/|Class web page]] ===== News ===== * 28-Nov-2020: After an extended outage since August, robust.cs.unm.edu is back on the air! * 18-Oct-2019: The [[https://youtube.com/c/TheT2TileProject|T2sday Updates]] are now in their second year! Also, most project discussion takes place in [[https://gitter.im/t2tile/Lobby|the T2 Tile chat rooms]]. * 25-Nov-2018: There's now a [[https://youtube.com/c/TheT2TileProject|weekly video report]] on progress building the 'T2 Tile', our prototype indefinitely-scalable hardware! * 3-Oct-2017: ULAM v3.0.9 released. Bug fixes and more development towards hardware tiles. * 26-Sep-2017: ULAM v3.0.8 released. Bug fixes mostly. * 21-Aug-2017: //[[http://www.cs.unm.edu/~ackley/591|Living Computation]]//, a UNM CS seminar for graduates and undergraduates, starts today, focusing on **ulam** and the Movable Feast! * 8-Aug-2017: **ULAM v3** Ubuntu packages now available via [[https://launchpad.net/~ackley/+archive/ubuntu/mfm|ppa:ackley/mfm]]. Built for xenial, trusty, and precise, for i686, x86-64, and now also arm7hf. * 15-Jul-2017: **ULAM v3 coming in August!** * 8-Aug-2016: **ULAM v2 announced!** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZJ7UUt8B2Q|Video]]! [[news_archive|Older news items]] ===== Components ===== * [[Components:Element]] * [[Components:Atom]] * [[Components:Site]] * [[Components:Tile]] * [[Components:Grid]] ===== Development ===== * **[[http://livingcomputation.com/MFM/ref|MFMv2 API Documentation]]** * [[Dev:clone_from_github|Cloning from Github]] * [[Dev:install_ULAM|Install ULAM]] * [[Dev:program_ULAM|Programming with ULAM]] * [[Dev:questions_ULAM|Questions about ULAM]] * [[Dev:quiz_ULAM|Quizzes about ULAM]] * [[Dev:element_tutorial|Creating an Element]] * [[Dev:atomic_parameters|Atomic Parameters]] * [[Dev:circular_dependencies|Avoiding Circular Dependencies]] * [[Dev:abstract_elements|Abstract Elements]] * [[Dev:logging_and_debugging|Logging and Debugging]] * [[Dev:data_output|Getting Data Out of Your Simulation]] * [[Dev:plotting_elem_counts|Plotting Element counts]]