====== Taylor Berger ====== Bullets are cleaner: * First semester graduate * Interests include creating robust software, machine learning, statistics and probability applied to computer science * Github is here: www.github.com/teberger/ Paper: [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-oy2hoENqZENWlTQWZMU085M2M/view?usp=sharing|Link]] to paper's pdf on Google Drive. Project Materials: [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/4zzprb1oe8593w0/project_materials.tar?dl=0|materials]] (Dropbox link) Project Ideas: * [[people:taylor_berger:low_fidelity_data_compression| Low Fidelity Data Compression]]: Thinking in the MFM framework is hard. Through iterative failures project evaluations, I realized I was trying to implement an algorithm in a robust first framework. Sorting in MFM is a great example of the issues with implementing algorithms -- it doesn't make sense to recreate quicksort in the MFM, however Demon Horde Sort was created as a procedural sorting tool. A neural network is an algorithm we use -- it doesn't make sense to recreate it in the MFM (or maybe it does, but I'm not sure how at this point). In light of that realization, I took what I learned and leveraged the work I have done so far to change my project to low-fidelity data compression. * [[people:taylor_berger:more_realistic_nn|The more realistic brain]]: After going through the first cycle of design in ALife, this is better scaled project due to the time constraints of the semester * [[people:taylor_berger:biologically_inspired_nn|Biologically Inspired, Infinitely Scaleable Brain]]: Growing a biologically inspired, infinitely scaleabe neural network in the MFM with dendrites and axons and synapses, oh my! * Adaptive immune system for the MFM based on biologically inspired immune systems. (Antigens and white blood cell style) === News === 07-Dec-2014 09:00:18PM-0700 * Updated this page to include a new link to my finished paper 10-Nov-2014 12:55:06PM-0700 * It's been a while since this was updated. I am updating my project pages to document the failu... I mean, successful elimination of project topics. 07-Sep-2014 08:49:18PM-0600 * Added a page describing my preferred project 26-Aug-2014 01:18:41PM-0600 * Project Ideas updated August 22, 2014 * I learned how to wiki and created this page