====== Ezra Stallings ====== I'm an undergrad in Computer Science here at UNM, planning on working on entertainment software in some way, shape, or form after graduating. Artificial life is interesting to me from a number of different angles, primarily the aesthetics of a-life systems, but also the robust computation aspects, as well as the slightly esoteric, ultimately irrelevant "is it life?" philosophical debate. More of an implementation oriented person than a science-y one, but not exclusively so. I worked on [[http://playsiphon.com|Siphon (IFDM)]], [[http://automatongame.com|Automaton]] and [[http://polyomin.org|Polyomino (In-Progress)]]. //I have a saved, exported VirtualBox image of Linux Mint with the MFM installed if anyone wants it// ====== Project: Pathfinding in the MFM ====== [[papers:ezra_stallings | Link to wiki page]] [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/vp62ucfoj9it7ph/Ezra_Stallings_491.zip?dl=0|Dropbox download for all project files, incl. scripts, data, paper, and graphs]] ====== Researcher Presentation: Takashi Ikegami ====== {{:people:takashi_ikegami_presentation.pptx|}} {{:people:takashi_ikegami_presentation.pdf|}} ===== News ===== ===9/14/14=== * Made presentation for crit 1 * [[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1261641/Robust%20Asynchronous%20Warfare.pdf | Link]] ===9/13/14=== * Worked with Trent in lab on my project; got a couple of elements partly implemented. * The MFM has a beast of a codebase. ===9/11/14=== * Refined my project idea and made -the plunge- to do something different than what I had originally planned. ===9/10/14=== * Got to 190+ kAEPS with the latest shark week challenge before MFMS crashed. * Lab machines can't encode what I had so far as video (no libx264) * Here's some screenshots: [[http://imgur.com/a/a0JaN|Imgur]] ===9/3/14=== * Got to 3,373 kAEPS when I entered the lab this morning * {{:people:screenshot_from_2014-09-03_11_30_37.png?200|}} ===9/2/14=== * Luke and I played with different types of elements for the shark week challenge 2. * Beat 80kAEPS with unmodified fish/sharks. Got to 400kAEPS when I left the lab ===9/1/14=== * Worked on shark week challenge 2 in lab. Results so far are... unpromising * Difficulty compounded by screwed up screen resolution on lab computers. Can't see both board-fill statistics and speed statistics. Can't fix it in system settings. [03-Sep-2014 03:56:01AM-0600 Dave: Post a screenshot of the issue?] ===8/27/14=== * Worked on shark week challenge 2 in lab with Chris. Unable to get past 80 kAEPS ===8/26/14=== * Worked on shark week challenge 2 in lab. No dice. ===8/21/14=== * People page created * Got MFM running on Debian Mint inside VirtualBox * But God, is it ever slow