====== Demitri Maestas ====== {{:people:demitri_maestas:assets:avatar.png?nolink&200|}} //"Changing the world, one [bit] at a time..."// ---- [[people:demitri_maestas:project| [Current Project(s)] ]] [[people:demitri_maestas:work_log| [Work Log] ]] [[http://cs.unm.edu/~chucho2/|[Website] ]] ---- ====== Identification ====== MFM-Handle: **Demitri Maestas** Public Ulam Key: MIGJAoGBAKjZ+1TuugrwPzAAWdojsb3TOiSakSwwQqd0rJJ/h0jkhHGQ8I45xKOk H8xgv9Z847GfpDdHiMm8DIsbIwBi8cXlmglkdWAb/kCa2HSC1XvZH2Qg7pfj4Y/I QiE1NRCyQpxw8K+RddbZOepzxCGOMJNheaBMBge0HZwhVV771l61AgMBAAE= ---- ====== The Vision ====== I believe that in the coming years that Artificial Life and Robust First Computing will be the tool of choice during advancement in modern medicine. My end-goal is to become a pioneer in the research and the development of these solutions, implementing robust-first computational models as solutions to common medical issues.