====== Resources ====== More information about indefinite scalability, Robust-First Computing, and the Movable Feast Machine can be found in the following: ===== Videos ===== * **[[http://youtu.be/7hwO8Q_TyCA|Beyond Efficiency]]** (2013): Fifteen minute introduction to Robust-First Computing. Transcript begins: //For the safety of society, and to build really big computers, we should pursue robust-first computing.// * **[[http://youtu.be/helScS3coAE|Robust-first computing: Demon Horde Sort (full version)]]** (2013): Half hour introduction to Robust-First Computing and the Movable Feast Machine. ===== Papers ===== * **[[http://www.cs.unm.edu/~ackley/papers/hotos-11.pdf|Pursue Robust Indefinite Scalability]]** (2011): Five page introduction for computer scientists. Abstract begins: //For research insights and development potential, we should explore computer architectures designed to scale indefinitely.// * **[[http://nm8.us/1|Beyond Efficiency]]** (2013): Three page //Viewpoint// essay on Robust-First Computing for general computer-literate readers. See related video below. Subtitle: //Esteem for efficiency should be tempered with respect for robustness.// * **[[http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/ARTL_a_00117|Bespoke Physics for Living Technology]]** (2013): Eighteen page //Artificial Life// journal article on indefinite scalability and the Movable Feast Machine. Abstract begins: //In the physics of the natural world, basic tasks of life, such as homeostasis and reproduction, are extremely complex operations, requiring the coordination of billions of atoms even in simple cases.//